Tasmanian Fishing Report 05/5/2022
Pieke with a nice school fish caught on a jetski.
Don’t Let the weather get you down. The good fishing has not finished yet. This time of year is great for maintain gear and boats. While its wet re-spool and service so you are good to go once the weather gets better.
The East Coast and Derwent have fished fairly well over the last week, The shallow shores on high tide have produced good fish. Lure anglers should try fishing a vibe lure over the next week on drop off with the discoloured water.
The Tuna have hard over the last week, reports of Storm Bay Tuna are still circling. The weather has been the limiting factor.
Australian Salmon
The salmon have been widely reported, along the east coast and Derwent estuary. Some big fish were caught off Pirates Bay over the weekend.
Over the last week the Snapper fishing has been fantastic. Different groups of anglers have reported good numbers of smaller fish and a few good models from 50cm to 60cm. The reefs and recks off Betsy Island. This time of year, the snapper will start to move to deeper water so opportunity of catching in other areas may improve.
The East Coast has really started to produce fantastic sized squid over the last week. The bays around Southern Maria have been the standout.
The Mackerel haven’t stopped over the last few months and don’t appear to be going anywhere any time soon.
Not much to report over the last week. A good weather window is needed for angler to get out and give it a crack.
Brady’s Chain
The last week of the season fished well for most anglers with Bronte being the stand out to both fly and Lure anglers. Let’s hope the start of the season will remain fishing well.
Derwent River
Searun Trout and resident trout have been found around the river from the Bridgewater Bridge and further upstream around the margins. With the rain predicted over the next week the trout maybe feeding lower in the system.
Great Lake
One of the best options for this time of year, with trout getting caught close to shore and on both fly and lures over the last week. Todds Corner has been a great spot with both healthy Brown and Rainbow Trout caught.
Dee Lagoon
Has been fishing well for both the lure and fly angler. The fish have been in good condition, Station Bay and around Duck Bay.
Alex Green with a nice little Great Lake fish.
Alex Green with a nice Great Lake fish photo taken but not caught by Rob Green.
Rhys Long with about a perfect Bronte rainbow. This one of plenty of fish for the session with fish willing to get up and chase the fly.
Featured Recipe
of the Week:
Once the weather settles flounder should be a top priority for anglers.
This flounder in nut-brown butter is definitely worth a try.
Swan Bay boat ramp upgrade complete
The upgrade of the Swan Bay (yingina / Great Lake) boat ramp is complete. The upgrade used 500 tonnes of gravel to resurface 1,800 m2 area of the boat ramp, parking and access road.
This project was jointly funded by the MAST Small Boating Fund and the IFS.
We would like to thank anglers for their patience during the upgrade works.