Tasmanian Fishing Report 1/04/23
Angus christened his new Hardy #12 fly rod with this bullet.
Great Fishing Leading Into Easter….
We would love to hear your reports and see photos of your catches to help fellow anglers. Please email info@spotonfishinghobart.com.au or send them to our Facebook/Instagram Page.
Dee Lagoon – good numbers of rainbows have been caught recently on a mixture of lures and flies with anglers reporting far better than average bags and lots of active fish.
Lake Echo – Trollers continue to do well, while fly fisherman have been finding some beautiful fish rising to midge and beetles.
Brady’s Chain – Bait fisherman have doing very well here recently with a good mixed bag of both rainbows and browns. Lure fisherman have also done well fishing the back shore of Brady’s while fly fisherman have been finding this water tough.
Great Lake – Fishing deep with over the weed beads with soft plastic during the day has been getting a lot of good brown trout while late evening trolling is resulting is some good rainbows being caught.
Crescent – Has been on fire lately with a lot of photos of large trout coming in. Presso 90F and Rapala 9cm lures have been working very well.
St Clair – reports of fish rising to caddis and midge around the edges of the lake, while trollers and drift spinners have been doing very well around the edges on the northern end of the lake.
Derwent River - Sea trout have started to show up throughout the river with a lot of anglers reporting seeing fish up on the edges chasing bait.
Tuna – Albacore and Bluefin continue to go crazy with some amazing fish being caught. Albacore up to 30kg are being caught at Eagle hawk Neck and Dart bank while Bluefin in all size brackets are being caught in both locations as well. Bluefin have also been firing at the friars, whale head, Pedra and Mewstone.
Bream – Are being caught in good numbers throughout the Derwent system with the bulk of fish being caught from old beach to new Norfolk.
Salmon – Salmon are being caught all over the place with fish ranging from 300g-3kg. Williamson metal lures have been very popular lately.
Garfish – a few reports of large garfish throughout the shallower coastal lagoons at the moment. Bread mixed with scent under a float drift down a burley trail proving the most effective method of catching them.
Kingfish – Continue to hang around with good numbers still throughout northwest bay, Blackmans Bay, iron pot, port Arthur and Triabunna recently.
Squid – Calamari have been good throughout the channel region lately.
Prawns – reports of good numbers of prawns being caught throughout the coastal lagoons up the north east coast. Calm nights and good lights are key to catching these tasty critters.
IFS News - Stocking
From IFS: The Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) recognises the value of maintaining wild fisheries as they are best suited to our environment and provide a much sought-after angling experience. We only stock waters when wild populations are not adequately maintained by natural recruitment and we use wild fish whenever possible. Stockings are guided by the Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018-28 and risk assessments for each water.
In 2022 the Inland Fisheries Service stocked fish from the Salmon Ponds hatchery, commercial fish farms, wild fish trapped from the Central Highlands spawning runs and wild fish electro fished from streams. Full details can be found in the the Inland Fisheries Service Stocking Report 2022.
Tasmanian Sea Fishing Guide Rebuild
NRE recently announced that they are rebuilding our Tasmanian Sea Fishing Guide app and are looking for feedback from fishers on how it can be improved. This app has over 100,000 downloads and ~40,000 active users and has been available for use for over 10 years now. It is a useful platform that offers access to a species list, interactive map and gear and rules information.
NRE want to ensure that the new and improved version is the best it can be, and to do that they are asking for input from recreational fishers. Fishers can provide feedback using the following survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FishingAppTAS or by emailing fishingapp.feedback@nre.tas.gov.au
Recent Photos
Andrew Hart & Jason Garrett during the pairs fly comp. It was a great day with 34 anglers entering and over 150 fish caught.
Mark de Hoog caught this nice salmon off the rocks at Bruny
Greeny with a nice blue.
Kate Quarrell with the big EHN albacore caught on a colorato lure
Alfie and Oli Quarrell with the SBT from Dart Bank caught on a colorato lure.
Angus’ first blue on fly
Angus with another blue
Some solid albacore tuna caught casting soft plastics in the berley trail while swordfishing.
A big EHN gemfish on the KLT 10/0
Jonah Yick with 11kg Blue eye Trevalla in 500m of water off EHN on the Black Magic Tackle KLT 10/0
Joe Eickhoff caught this Nice 32 KG Bluefin at Dart Bank Sunday 26th March on a Laser Pro King Brown
Angus showing off.