Tasmanian Fishing Report 17/08/23
Number one draft pick from NZ, Chris, got into a few Tas browns opening week.
With a mostly great start to the season, below is a bit of a round up of the start of that and what saltwater options are available at the moment.
Bronte, Brady’s
Bronte and Brady’s Lake have been fishing incredibly well over the last few weeks. Healthy Brown and rainbow trout have been caught using lures and fly. Some anglers managed massive numbers of fish caught and released over the opening weekend.
The fish have been in good condition and numbers in the upper end of the lake. Deep-diving lures have been the most productive trolled and spun.
Little Pine
Most anglers have been a little disappointed with the number and quality of the fish. Small, slabby and skinny fish seem to be common.
Penstock has been a stable fishery over the last season. Good quality and numbers are getting caught. You could not go wrong fishing wets from the shore or dragging wets in a boat over the deeper margins. Some flies that have been working have been big marabou buggers.
Lake Crescent
This start to the season has not disappointed with healthy big fish getting caught on a daily basis.
Even the fly anglers have not been disappointed with fish caught over the 10lb mark on fly by multiple anglers. A popular fly has been the Red and Black Bugger.
The Lure fishers have been doing well on large 80mm minnows and jointed minnows, such as the Shimano Bantam Swim Bait.
The sea-run trout have been a little slow the last few weeks, with the odd fish about, anglers are working hard to find them.
Resident trout have been a little more common holding deeper in the river. Anglers trolling with lead lines and large bibbed lures finding some better fish.
When the river flow has been right, anglers have report good numbers of river fish on bait, lure and fly.
Fly anglers have been doing very well Czech Nymphing, weight of bead seems to be the key to getting the fish to strike.
The trout have been a little quiet but, we have had some reports of some eight plus pound Atlantic salmon getting caught from Castle Forbes Bay up river. It will be interesting to see how many more will be caught over the coming weeks.
The saltwater fishing continues to be fairly good with varied options available.
Still the odd school bluefin tuna about down the South East Coast at the moment, with the weather being the most challenging part for most people.
Striped Trumpeter
Decent numbers and size getting caught over the last few weeks for those that have had the time and weather window to get out and try. Squid and octopus have been the best baits of late.
Some large squid have been caught around the SE. The southern cal is nearing the end of the life cycle and the large specimens tend to get caught this time of year.
If the water clarity remains good it should continue to fish well.
Australian Salmon
Still numbers of salmon about from small to some larger 2kg fish getting caught around Dover and South Port.
The fishing continues to be productive in the Derwent from the Bowen Bridge upstream. Large numbers of mixed size fish have been caught by anglers fishing for trout and targeting the bream.
Please don’t forget to send in your pictures so we can share your fantastic catches to info@spotfishinghobart.com.au
IFS Angler Diary
The IFS Angler Diary
An angler diary has long been recognised as a way that anglers can record where, when and how they have fished. This enables them to reflect, gather information and build knowledge that they can use to plan successful fishing trips. With the new electronic Angler Diary you will be able to collect and store all your fishing information and photos in one spot.
This includes information about:
Time and place you fished and methods used
The size and number of fish caught
Photos of your fish
Weather conditions
Trends and patterns to improve your catch
The Angler Diary is currently out now on both Apple and Android devices. It is part of the Infish App. so you don’t have to download another separate app.
Your fishing information recorded on the Angler Diary will be stored in a secure database, which will only be available to the IFS. Your information will not only allow you to improve your fishing, but also assist the IFS with gathering accurate catch information to better manage the fishery.
For more information and assistance with setting up or using the Angler Diary phone: 1300 IN FISH (1300 463 474) or email: infish@ifs.tas.gov.au.
Whitebait poacher convicted
Read the IFS news on the latest poaching conviction below. With the 2023 whitebait season approaching this is a good reminder that significant penalties apply for illegal fishing.
New Products in Stock
This week the long awaited Hardy Marksman arrived and also we have taken delivery of a heap of new hackles.
Come and check them out!
Recent Photos
A 15kg blue eye on Black Magic Tackle 400 pound tough trace. Fishing out of Eaglehawk Neck. Caught Toby Travers and Jonah Yick.
Flynn Hooker with some cracking southern bream.
Wesley van den Herik’ with two nice cals caught on BMT Squid snatcher jigs 3.5.- Black/Red 3.5, Black Lumo, Lemon Lime Glow, with Sea Grass Glow as the standout
Healthy atlantic salmon caught by Justin Watts in the Lower Huon
Alan Williams with an 11lber caught out of Crescent opening weekend.
Another cracker from Crescent.
Angus with a healthy Penstock Lagoon trout
Angus’ blue beaded fly that the fish fell for!