Fishing Report – 23 / 01 / 2020


Sand Flathead
continue to be a bit hit and miss with good reports of king flathead and reasonable sized sand flathead coming from Marion bay.

Australian Salmon
continue to be caught around the Derwent and up the east coast with good schools being reported everywhere.

good numbers of mackerel have started showing up around local jetties and wharfs and have been more than eager to eat a halco slice.

seem to be showing up in good numbers around the place – fresh bait and good burley being the key to success.

more and more of these seem to be showing up weekly with reports of large schools frequenting peoples burley trails on the shelf and reports of fish been caught through the channel area.

reasonable numbers of albacore have been caught on the shelf from Eagle Hawk Neck to Maria Island.

Southern Bluefin
patchy at EHN but readily available up the coast at Bicheno and St Helens.

Calamari still in good numbers in the SE over most seagrass in 1.5-5m of water.

A nice rainbow caught in the Derwent River on a copper bead pheasant tail nymph.

Remember if you are heading boating this weekend to have all the required safety equipment. All the requirements are available here:


Woods lake
fly fisherman have been doing extremely well around the edges with good reports of mayflies hatching.  Lure fisherman have had mixed results trolling and drift spinning in the middle of the lake.

Arthurs lake
continues to fire with good reports flooding in of both excellent dry fly action and good numbers of fish falling to lures.

Lake Pedder
a few reports lately of people doing extremely well out of lake Pedder, this very underfished lake has a huge population of brown trout.  Drift spinning and fly fishing with mudeyes and caenids have proved very popular.

Samuel Shelley

Photographer, based in Tasmania, Australia

Southern Tasmanian Fishing Report – 30 / 01 / 2020


Tassie Fish Frame Collection Program