Southern Tasmanian Fishing Report – 30 / 01 / 2020


Rock Lobster
are generally potting well but have been patchy for some anglers in a lot of regions. Fresh bait is best see attached pictures.

are available in the SE but have been predominantly been found along the edge of the shelf for the moment. Brief inshore captures around Tasman and the Hippolytes have been made though. It varies from day to day.

Southern Bluefin
similar to the albacore have moved out around the shelf for the moment but have also been caught inshore on the right day.

Mako Shark
have been caught in good numbers … last weekend during, The Shimano Spot On Australia Day Shark challenge held by the Tuna Club of Tasmania had many fish raised by a fleet of 19 boats. The biggest being 155kg. Many private captures have come to hand as well. Again the shelf is a good starting point.

Yellow Tail Kingfish
are a little quiet but are in good numbers. Fish having been seen from Triabunna, Fortescue and right up and around to Hobart. Temperature is the key to success at the moment and persistence from the angler.

Slimy and Jack Mackerel
available offshore and around nearly every coastal jetty in the SE …. These fish if cooked correctly aren’t too bad on the tooth either. Great for burly and 2-3 will fill a bait saver in the cray pot.

have slowed a tad …. but are still available, be prepared to try a few spots in order to find fish.

Arrow squid
are just starting to make an appearance along the edge of the shelf as well. This is a little later than usual as temperatures have been right down.

Striped Trumpeter
have been reported from southern Bruny and Pedra Blanca.

Australian Salmon
has anybody seen any? Seriously these fish are scarce which is very unusual.

Tiger Flathead
are still available but starting to drop off a little …. These fish are normally a spring and early summer option so to still have them at this time of the year is a bonus.

Sand Flathead
Plenty of just sized fish available and no surprises plenty and plenty of undersize fish being waded through in order to obtain some keepers …. our only advice is to look for some of the out of the way locations that may not be fished as much and try there …. post Christmas always sees a picked over population of flathead.  

Jack with a lovely mako.

Tip of the Week: Always use as fresh a bait as can be found ….. nothing will beat it – fresh is best !!!

Crays caught from EHN over the long weekend.

Nice brown caught on a claret bits.


Arthurs Lake continues to fish well …. bait, lure and fly used throughout the top end working for many.

Great Lake is producing well conditioned browns and rainbows to 1.8kg. Trollers are doing well at the start and end of the day.

Lake King William is fishing well to spun lures in and amongst the sticks. Cobras and bibbed lures with a perch scale pattern taking good numbers of fish. This lake always fishes well with brighter flashier lures such as the Tas Devil 13grm No 44 and 89.

Tip of the Week :

Always use as fresh a bait as can be found ….. nothing will beat it – fresh is best !!!

Samuel Shelley

Photographer, based in Tasmania, Australia

Fishing Report 06/02/2020


Fishing Report – 23 / 01 / 2020