Tasmanian Fishing Report 9/11/22
Searching for tails and rises in the margins.
The fishing has been super-hot in both fresh and salt over the last few weeks, now is the time to make the most of some decent weather.
With High Water levels the Fishing has been amazing in the flooded margins
Lake Crescent
Large fish continue to be seen smashing galaxias throughout the day although catching them is proving challenging. Mid depth minnows like Smith Cherry Bloods and Duo Rozante lures are proving very effective.
Bronte Lagoon
Good numbers of fish are being caught in the middle of the lake over the weed beds, lure anglers are having good success trolling minnows, while fly fisherman are having good success fishing damsel patterns deep on sinking lines.
Arthurs Lake
Has been fishing incredibly. Lure anglers are having great success drift spinning the shores of the islands catching good bags of well-conditioned fish. Trollers are reporting good numbers trolling in the morass, while fly fishers are having huge success fishing hard against the shore up in the cow paddock and 7 pound bay to fish chasing frogs and tadpoles.
Little Pine Lagoon
Tailers continue to go well early and late in the day while some anglers are having good success polaroiding cruising fish on the dry fly in the middle of the day eating caddis and stonefly.
Lake Echo
Trollers are doing very well reporting large numbers of fish being caught trolling tassies devils and bibbed minnows.
Has been a lot quieter than normal with people reporting relatively low catch rates as fish are choosing to hang deep feeding on damsels and scud, a few fish have started to rise to mayflies and hopefully this will increase over the coming weeks.
Salt Water
Australian Salmon
Small Aussie salmon have been widely reported the last few weeks in the Derwent and most estuaries, some larger models are showing up every now and again. With good bait numbers reported the salmon should only get better as the salinity becomes more stable after all the rain.
The fishing throughout the Derwent and Huon is slowly getting better. With reports of good numbers of bream around Austin’s ferry area as bream start returning into the system from spawning. A few The east coast waters may be a little slow as the fresh water and discoloration slows fishing down.
The flathead appears to be back on the chew, anglers are reporting fairly good numbers along the East Coast and bays down south. Sloping Island, Marion Bay and Norfolk Bay all have been fishing well. Good Numbers of king flathead are being caught in 50-80m although size seems a little small.
Bluefin over the last week have been sensational, Large 60kg plus fish have been widely reported around Pedra Branca. Eagle Hawk Neck has been a little quiet with the odd school working bait. Time seems to be better spent down south, the bonus of this is the Cray Season is open as well.
Some Good Cals starting to be caught now that the fresh water has settled down, Clarity is one of the most important factors in finding good numbers to catch. The channel is slowly starting to fish well. The better spots have been the outside of Bruny Island and around Betsy.
Striped Trumpeter
The inshore reefs have been very productive of late with the fish still in relatively shallow water. Some anglers have reported catching fish in as little as 20m of water. This season a lot of anglers have been using methods other than bait and doing really well. The Shimano Baku Baku Jig and the Vexed Bottom Meat Jig seem to be consistently out fishing conventional rigs and are great fun on light overhead jigging outfits. As a rough guide one gram per meter of jig is a good start.
Remember to please send in photos of your catches so we can feature your catch.
Remember Casting Day Is Coming Up
We are holding a “Bring Your Own Rod” casting day on the
Sunday 13th November 10am – 3pm
Parliament Street Park
Sandy bay
With Jeff Pierce (International Sales Manager for Scientific Anglers) and Andrew Summers from Mayfly Tackle.
They will have over 100 different Scientific Anglers fly lines that people can try on their rods to see what tapers they like and what suits their rod best.
They will also have a few Orvis fly rods there if people wish to try them.
Dont Forget to Grab a MOJO22
Like every year 100% of proceeds from the Tassie Devil MOJO22 go to Movember. This year the colour has been designed by Justin Causby from Wigstons, this man knows lures & trout and we think this is the best lure yet. The are available in store now. If you cant make it in you can buy them online here:
The very fishy MOJO22 - Designed by Justin Causby from Wigstons.
Andrew Large with Great Lake Rainbow caught on the MOJO22
This Week’s Photos
Matty Haines with a beautiful Great Lake rainbow caught on the MOJO22
Angus with a nice Stripy.
Tom with a frost fish - usually found in 250-750m
The Risley black fur fly was the go to fly at Arthurs. We have these in stock.
Greeny with a plump brown caught in the timber at Arthurs
Recipe of The Week
A good recipe for stripy trumpeter